Country: Afghanistan
Closing date: 15 Mar 2019
Background and Context :
UNESCO Kabul strives to promote education in Afghanistan as a fundamental human right while aiming to provide access to quality, relevant and inclusive education for all. Across Afghanistan, UNESCO Kabul Is currently providing technical and financial support to the Ministry of Education’s Literacy Department to implement basic general adult literacy and skill based literacy programme. The UNESCO Kabul Office focuses on ensuring the quality of adult literacy and non-formal education through various technical and project support interventions under the umbrella of ‘The Programme for Enhancement of Literacy in Afghanistan’ (ELA). Through the generous support of the Governments of Japan, Sweden and Finland, since 2008, UNESCO Kabul has been supporting the Government of Afghanistan to implement three phases of ELA programme. The programme has currently reached over 1 million beneficiaries (60% of which are female), and the overall outreach to all 34 provinces. In the last and third phase of ELA (ELA III), the Deputy Ministry of Education for Literacy (DMoEL) with technical and financial support of United Nation Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) was able to prepare Youth and Basic Adult Education Curriculum Framework and instructional materials for level one (equivalent to grade 1 -3 of formal education). Furthermore, DMoEL with technical and financial support of UNESCO is currently equivalent Non-Formal Education Curriculum Framework and instructional material for level 2 (equivalent to grade 4 – 6 of general education).
With the generous funding of the Government of the Republic of Korea (GRoK), UNESCO Kabul is supporting the Government of Afghanistan on provide access to more youth and adults with access to adult literacy and education opportunities. This project will ensure more 5,000 youth and adults (60% women and girls) will gain access to basic literacy education and an addition 500 learners to skill based literacy learning opportunities. This project aligns with the Third National Education Strategic Plan (NESP III) and Afghanistan national development priorities. UNESCO now requires an International Expert, with expertise in capacity building and Institutional development in Education sector, preferably non formal education sub sector, to undertake capacity needs assessment of the Deputy Ministry of Education for Literacy (DMoEL) and identify capacity needs at different levels of the Deputy Ministry to inform the subsequent phase of institutional reform and capacity building.
Objective of the Consultancy:
The objective of the consultancy is to identify the national capacity needs of the MoE’s Deputy Ministry of Education for Literacy (DMoEL) in implementing youth and adult literacy programs. The assessment will be undertaken at individual, institutional and systemic levels. It is expected that the consultations will be undertaken in a highly participatory manner with detailed consultations at national, provincial levels, district and local levels.
Based on the capacity needs assessment, design, adapt to different levels and job cadres, and implement trainings, capacity building programs and support systems in planning, management, administration, advocacy and pedagogical support for DMoEL’s staff at national, provincial and district levels. Capacity building activities (such as training, sending people to workshops, information dissemination), for different stakeholder group will be designed and implemented.
Scope of Work:
Under the overall authority of the Director of UNESCO Kabul Office and the Chief of Education Unit Kabul Office, and the direct supervision of the Program Manager Literacy programme, the consultant will undertake capacity needs assessment, design a capacity building plan/strategy, design and adapt to different levels and cadres, and implement trainings for DMoEL. At the end of the assignment the incumbent will provide a detailed report mentioning major achievements, constraints and lessons learned, and recommendations for future programming as applicable for the capacity building and institutional strengthening of the Deputy Ministry of Education for Literacy as well as UNESCO.
Tasks to be undertaken:
The consultant will undertake the following specific tasks using consultative and participatory approaches and methods:
- Undertake a Situational analysis in order to establish baseline capacity of the DMoEL to implement effective adult literacy and non-formal education programs.
- Undertake a Stakeholder analysis to identify all key stakeholders and actors in adult literacy and non-formal education at national, provincial, district and local levels
- Assess the capacity-building needs at individual, institutional and systemic levels.
- Identify required training and modes of training for identified DMoEL Staff needs (who, what training, how and when)
- Present the findings at a stakeholder workshops
- Design and develop a 3 years’ capacity building plan for the DMoEL at national, provincial and district levels.
- Develop at least 4 training modules (based on the identified training needs)
- Conduct an Orientation Training Workshop for 30 Senior and Middle level DMoEL management staff (based on the identified training needs)
- Conduct a training for at least 50 DMoEL
- Conduct a train Workshop for selected PLMs and DLMs
Plan of Work and Methodology:
As part of the inception report, provide a detailed mode of work, methodology, key information sources to be used, and institutions / organizations to be consulted in undertaking the task.
Final deliverables:
- Inception report
- Progress report on situation analysis and needs assessment
- Draft report on situational analysis and capacity needs assessment
- A draft of detailed Capacity development plan
- Report on the stakeholder’s workshop
- At least 4 training modules (based to training needs assessment)
- Workshop reports (not more than 20 pages each)
- Final narrative report
Competencies: A successful candidate will be required to demonstrate the following competencies:
Core Competencies
- Accountability
- Communication
- Teamwork
- Innovation
- Results focus
- Planning and organizing
- Knowledge sharing
- Continuous improvement
For detailed information please consult the UNESCO Competency Framework
Required Qualifications:
- An advanced university degree (Masters or equivalent) in education, social sciences, development studies or related area
- Organizational development qualification is an asset Work experience
- At least 10 years of relevant work experience, with at least five years acquired with an international organization in the field of education.
- Experience in education sector capacity needs assessments and practical work in the application of capacity building for education methods and tools.
- Experience in capacity building for non-formal education is an asset.
- Experience in development and implementation of capacity building strategies/plans.
- Experience in developing tailored made-training programmes and modules.
- Excellent skills, background and familiarity with education program management and capacity building;
- Sensitivity and adaptability (cultural, gender, religion, race and nationality);
- Excellent strategic and analytical skills;
- Excellent leadership skills including leading people, strategic, analytical and problem-solving skills;
- Highly competent computer and other IT skills;
- Excellent independent working skills with a desire for life-long learning;
- Previous working experience in education in the Government or international development cooperation sector;
- Knowledge of programming policies and procedures in international development cooperation, in particular in the UN.
- Fluency in both written and oral English is a requirement
- Knowledge of another UN language, Dari or Pashto, would be an asset.
Condition of work:
The consultant will be provided with secure office space by UNESCO while in Kabul including office equipment, stationaries, printing, photocopying, and communication equipment. Accommodation will be arranged by the UNESCO Office in Kabul and will be in the premises cleared by the United Nations Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS) in Afghanistan.
How to apply:
How to apply:
Interested candidates are requested to send in English: (i) Up-to-date curriculum vitae (ii) Cover letter outlining qualifications and experience for the position (iii) A technical proposal, of no more than ten (15) pages, indicating the approach s/he would adopt to carry out the evaluation (including methodology, theoretical framework, timeframes and costings).
Applications must be sent before midnight 15th March 2019 (4:00PM Afghanistan time) by email to:
Please note that UNESCO is a no-smoking Organization.