Country: Myanmar
Closing date: 08 Feb 2019
Terms of Reference
Organizational unit: UNESCO Myanmar Project Office
Duty station: Yangon, Myanmar
Sector: Education, with main support on teacher education activities
Duration: 3-6 months, starting in March 2019
Deadline for application: 8 February 2019
The Government of Myanmar has prioritized teacher education in its education reform efforts, recognizing that improvement in quality of teachers is essential to quality education and positive student learning outcomes. Through the “Strengthening Pre-service Teacher Education in Myanmar” project, UNESCO, in close partnership with the Ministry of Education in Myanmar, is supporting reforms in the pre-service teacher education system through policy and institutional capacity development in Myanmar’s Education Colleges.
Intern(s)/Volunteer(s) is/are sought to assist in programmatic and administrative support of the project.
Main tasks and assignments:
UNESCO Project Office in Myanmar is seeking prospective intern(s)/volunteer(s) to provide support to the “Strengthening Pre-service Teacher Education in Myanmar” team, working under the supervision of the Head of Project Office/Project Officer. Intern(s)/volunteer(s) will have the possibility of being involved in a range of work on teacher education. Specific tasks foreseen include supporting the implementation of activities of the “Strengthening Pre-service Teacher Education in Myanmar” project, specifically:
Provide administrative and logistical support for the implementation of workshops and meetings as needed;
Provide informal English-Myanmar or Myanmar-English translation of correspondence with the Ministry of Education and other stakeholders and of key project documents, reports and public communication materials;
Support the reviewing of English and Myanmar translation and layout design of curriculum documents for the new Education College four-year degree programme;
Update the project’s communication platforms such as social media and website by gathering and translating relevant content materials;
Support the concept design and development of advocacy materials (such as videos and infographics) of the project;
Contribute to monitoring and evaluation of the project, including collecting data, interviewing national stakeholders and preparing brief reports on findings;
Assist in management of project documents online and offline; and
Contribute to the implementation of other programme tasks as required.
Academic qualifications:
· You have completed your full-time university studies (bachelor's degree or equivalent) at a university or equivalent institution prior to commencing the assignment; OR
· You are enrolled in a graduate programme (second university degree or Master's degree or equivalent, or higher), at the time of application; OR
· You have recently graduated with a university degree (first or second degree as defined above), within the last 12 months.
Other qualifications:
· Background and/or strong interest in education in the context of international development;
· Excellent written and spoken English and Myanmar language and proficiency in typing English and Myanmar language on computers;
· Proficiency in Microsoft Office including Word, Excel and PowerPoint;
· Familiarity with website programming languages and content management systems such as Drupal would be an advantage;
· Good practical knowledge and skills in image editing and video editing would be an advantage.
Please be advised that internship/volunteer assignments are undertaken on a voluntary basis and thus unpaid. UNESCO does not cover any costs of their travels, visas, insurances, vaccinations or living expenses. Remuneration and employment expectation are not offered. A reference letter confirming the internship/volunteer period will be provided on the successful completion of the internship/volunteer period.
How to apply:
Application process:
To apply, interested candidates should submit as soon as possible and by 8 February 2019 the following documents (must be typed):
A completed internship or volunteer application form attached; AND
A covering letter outlining your interest in undertaking the Volunteer/Intern (please specify your tentative start date and expected length of internship/volunteering); AND
The application should be submitted by email or by hard copy to:
UNESCO Myanmar Project Office
Attn: Team Leader, Strengthening pre-service Teacher Education in Myanmar Project
No. 8/C, Bogyoke Museum Street, Natmauk Road
Bahan Township, Yangon
Fax: +951 546720
(Please put “STEM Internship/Volunteer Application” as the title of your email.) **
Please use this form for the internship/volunteer application for UNESCO Project Office in Myanmar.
1. Family Name:
Given Names:
2. Sex: q Male q Female
3. Marital Status:
4. Date of Birth(Day/month/year):
5. Place of Birth:
6. Present Nationality:
7. Permanent Address:
8. Present Address:
9. In case of emergency, notify:
10. Knowledge of Languages:
Typing on computers
Not easily
Not easily
Not easily
Not easily
(Please specify) *
11. Computer Skills:
q Yes
q No
q Yes
q No
q Yes
q No
Google Drive / Dropbox / Cloud Storage
q Yes
q No
Website Programming Languages
q Yes
q No
Content Management Systems
q Yes
q No
Image Editing
q Yes
q No
Video Editing
q Yes
q No
Database Design
q Yes
q No
Other (Please specify):
12. Other Skills and Knowledge:
Education *(please specify areas of specialization):**
q Yes
q No
Social Research
q Yes
q No
q Yes
q No
Peace Education
q Yes
q No
Cultural Issues (tourism, cultural heritage)
q Yes
q No
Statistics / Information Management
q Yes
q No
HIV/AIDS / School Health
q Yes
q No
Project Management
q Yes
q No
Information and Communication Technology
q Yes
q No
Conference and Workshop Organizing
q Yes
q No
Development Planning and Analysis
q Yes
q No
Public Information / Journalism
q Yes
q No
Other *(Please specify):**
q Yes
q No
13. Insurance:
q Yes, I hereby confirm that I hold a health/ accident insurance policy:
Company name:
Policy number:
q Yes, this insurance is effective in Myanmar
q No, this insurance is not effective in Myanmar
q Yes, I have attached a medical certificate of good health.
14. Higher Education (College/University)
Name, Place and Country
Major Subjects of Study
15. Employment: Please describe any previous practical experience and/or previous internships you may have had, giving full details of your duties. Use an additional sheet if necessary.
16. Please give/attach a brief description or outline of research or other work you would like to accomplish during your internship at UNESCO.
17. Career Plans:
18. Other Relevant Information:
a) University scholarships or academic distinctions:
b) Publications (if any):
c) Have you ever applied for regular employment with the United Nations?
q Yes q No
If yes, please give dates and name of agency:
19. Please indicate duration and period of time in which you will be available to intern:
(6 months maximum)
Number of Months:
Possible starting date (mm/dd/year):
Possible end date (mm/dd/year):
20. References: List three persons, not related to you, who are familiar with your character and qualifications.
Name 1:
Full address:
Name 2:
Full address:
Name 3:
Full address:
- I certify that the statements made by me in answer to the foregoing questions are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that I have read and intend to comply with the objectives and conditions of the internship programme (Annex I)
………………………………………….. ………………………………
Signature Date
Objectives and conditions of the internship programme
The purpose of the UNESCO internship programme is to offer current graduate and post-graduate students the opportunity to enhance their academic knowledge through practical work assignments. In return, UNESCO benefits from the assistance of talented and qualified interns, specializing in various professional and technical fields.
The duration of an internship shall vary according to the type of assignment, the Organization’s needs, as well as the intern’s availability and academic requirements. The standard duration shall be four to six months, with a minimum duration required of one month. The total duration of internship shall not exceed six months.
Arrangements and costs for travel, visas, accommodation and living expenses are under the responsibility of interns or their sponsoring institution(s).
UNESCO accepts no responsibility for the medical insurance of the intern or for costs arising for accidents and illness incurred during an internship. Interns are fully responsible for arranging, at their own expense life, health and other forms of insurance covering the period of internship at UNESCO.
UNESCO does not remunerate interns and interns are not considered UNESCO staff members.
The intern undertakes to conduct himself/herself at all times in a manner compatible with his/her responsibilities as a participant in a UNESCO internship programme.
The intern must keep confidential any and all unpublished information made known during the course of the internship and not publish any reports or papers on the basis of information obtained except with the authorization of UNESCO.
The intern will provide written notice in case of illness or other unavoidable circumstances which might prevent him/her from fulfilling the internship.
The intern is expected to make a short report on his/her assignment of the internship and to submit it to the Chief, Administration & Finance Unit, through the head of the unit concerned.