Country: Afghanistan
Closing date: 31 Dec 2018
Title: Consultant (Conflict Analysis in Education)
Domain: Education
Grade: Senior Level
Post Number: KAB/ED/Const/18/12/007
Duty Station: Kabul, Afghanistan
Type of contract: Consultant
Annual salary: Based on the organization’s salary scale
Duration of the contract: Three months (with possibility of extension)
Deadline (midnight, Paris time)**: 31-December 2018**
Application to be sent to:
Background and context
In June 2018, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) approved a programme titled “Better Education Systems for Afghanistan’s Future” with a budget of $20 million USD awarded to UNESCO Kabul Office. The objective of this project is to provide technical support to the Ministries of Education (MoE) and Higher Education (MoHE) in on-going education reform processes emerging from Afghanistan’s National Strategic Education Plan III (NESP III). This project is organized around the three pillars of the NESP, (i) efficient and transparent management; (ii) quality and relevance; and (iii) equitable access. Through this project, UNESCO will support MoE and MoHE to strengthen capacity and develop, implement and monitor robust education sector plans integrating a gender perspective and underpinned by accurate and reliable education sector data, revise curricula and learning resources for formal general education (grades 1-12), non-formal adult education (levels 1-3), and higher education and research (Bachelor’s and Master’s), and increase access to general literacy and skills-based literacy programmes, with a particular focus on women.
This project integrates a system-wide capacity development approach intended to provide comprehensive and seamless UNESCO support to the Ministry of Education (MoE) and Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE), to respond to key challenges facing the education sector in Afghanistan. The following UNESCO entities are associated in this project under the overall leadership and coordination of UNESCO Kabul: The International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP), the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL), the International Bureau for Education (IBE), the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), the Asia-Pacific Regional Bureau for Education in Bangkok, and UNESCO Headquarters.
Scope of the analysis:
The conflict analysis will mainly focus on; in-depth examination of the conflict in relation to education in Afghanistan, its characteristics, causes and dynamics, its impact on UNESCO supported sector-wide programme and its target groups, identify potential opportunities for peacebuilding initiatives within the current education programmes, including the organization; capacity assessment and the training needs analysis for design and delivery of conflict-sensitive education programming, with comprehensive conflict analysis report with all the annexes indicated under the output/deliverable. The analysis will be carried out both in Kabul and in the 5 regional provinces (representative of the diversity of Afghanistan) through interviews and focus groups with selected stakeholders from MOE and provincial Government.
Objectives of the conflict analysis:
(i) To assess the general context and dynamics of conflicts and identify links to the education sector in Afghanistan;
(ii) To identify the possible causes of conflicts within the education sector and stakeholders involved;
(iii) To identify the key drivers, the push and pull factors of involvement in violent conflict among Afghanistan society in relation to education;
(iv) To identify the role of education in conflict and peace processes.
(v) Recommend how UNESCO can mitigate risks of doing harm and build on agents of peace through education in Afghanistan’s varying contexts.
Main Tasks and Responsibilities:
The consultant will carry out the analysis according to this ToR and will include necessary tools and exercises to meet study objectives. The main tasks and responsibilities for this study include:
(i) Desk review of relevant documents and analysis of internal documents from UNESCO;
(ii) Design detailed methodology, including the design of data-collection tools and formulation of specific questions;
(iii) Design and facilitate: (i) key informant interviews; (ii) focus group discussions; and (iii) participatory workshops.
(iv) Facilitate a stakeholders’ workshop to present the key findings of the analysis.
(v) Draft the first draft report reflecting the feedback and comments from the stakeholders’ workshop.
(vi) Develop a comprehensive final conflict analysis report including recommendations and relevant annexes/attachments, which will also have integrated the feedback from UNESCO and key stakeholders.
UNESCO’s Conflict Analysis Steering Committee/Taskforce (constitution of which will be decided later) will be responsible for overall management of the assignment, and responsible to utilize the findings of the analysis to help redesign and implement the “Better Education Systems for Afghanistan’s Future” sector-wide programme.
A reference group consisting of UNESCO Chief of Unit, and UNESCO and MoE staff from relevant sub-thematic areas namely; Policy and Planning, Adult literacy and non-formal education, higher education, and curriculum reform will be established and will be engaged and convened as per the needs for discussion, idea and suggesting during the analysis period. The main purpose of establishing this reference group is to provide a platform for more in-depth discussions and deeper analysis, and engagement with study team during the analysis period.
Time and Deliverables:
(i) Inception report containing a detailed conflict analysis methodology with accompanying analysis work plan and tools;
(ii) Comprehensive conflict analysis report that contains in-depth examination of conflict, its characteristics, causes, dynamics and consequences for women, men, girls and boys in relation to education in Afghanistan. The following annexes should be included:
Conflict scenarios. Review of their potential effect on UNESCO programme delivery as well as on how UNESCO programming may affect the conflict and its target groups with recommended mitigating and adaptive measures;
Assessment report of potential synergies and opportunities for mainstreaming peacebuilding and conflict transformation in UNESCO’s Education programmes and recommendations/roadmap for UNESCO’s engagement;
Capacity needs assessment report of UNESCO’s staff and systems with recommendation on the need for specific training and other action required for conflict-sensitive programme delivery to maximize the impact of UNESCO’s work on improving peace and mitigating conflict;
Recommendations for potential mechanism and tools to make conflict analysis/accessibility assessment an on-going process of the organisation and to support management decision on security measures and conflict sensitive programming;
Presentation of analysis results and recommendations at a workshop to be attended by UNESCO’s management and representatives of the MoE.
1 Desk review and preparation of methodology (5 days)
2 National level, meetings, interviews in Kabul: MoE, UNESCO, donors, Government agencies, other organisations (5 days)
3 Fieldwork (in selected 3 Provinces) (15 days)
4 Assessment, date analysis and report writing (6 days)
5 Presentation of findings and workshop discussion of results with UNESCO management (1 day)
6 Draft report to be submitted no more than 7 days after completion of fieldwork (7 days)
7 Final report to be submitted within 5 days of receiving feedback and comments from UNESCO (5 days)
Required qualifications:
The conflict analysis consultancy assignment is open to individual National/International or a team of National and International expert consultants, with specialist knowledge and research expertise in conflict analysis and peacebuilding as well as development practice and theory.
Academic qualifications:
Advanced degree in Conflict and peace studies, Conflict and peace management, peace and conflict resolution, sociology or related studies in social science field is required.
The consultant will have the following experience and qualifications:
(i) At least 10 years of experience of conducting conflict analysis and/or research on conflict and its causes or approaches to conflict transformation and experience in conflict sensitive programming;
(ii) Sound knowledge of development and/or experience of project management for an NGO or UN agency in delivering development projects;
(iii) Previous experiences of practising participatory methods for conducting research and planning;
(iv) Considerable professional experience of working in Afghanistan at the community, village and district levels, with a clear understanding of traditional forms of social organisation and systems of local governance, as well as official systems of local administration;
(v) High level of competence in the English language, particularly in writing.
(vi) Strong communication skills, with the ability to communicate detailed concepts clearly and concisely both in writing and verbally.
In addition, it is required that the international consultant will be able and willing to travel to the provincial areas covered by the programme (where security clearance is given).
A successful candidate will be required to demonstrate the following competencies:
Core Competencies
Results focus
Planning and organizing
Knowledge sharing and continuous improvement
For detailed information please consult the UNESCO Competency Framework
How to apply:
Candidates are requested to send their application to the UNESCO Kabul email before midnight on 31 December 2018 (Afghanistan time).
All applications must be submitted by email, including the position title in the email subject line. Applications should include the following:
Detailed work plan
Description of the approach and methodology applied
Detailed budget indicating consultant fee per day, all costs included.
Two examples of studies/reports similar to this assignment
Three references, of which one should be related to the work Please note that UNESCO is a non-smoking organization